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Songs in class

תמונת הסופר/ת: Mrs. EliasMrs. Elias

I use songs from time to time to increase motivation among my students, teach vocabulary, grammatical structures and convey important messages.

List of Songs:

Teaching grammar via songs

The song talks about the importance of not giving up. We have to keep trying achieve our goals. Life summons us many challenges and it's important our students will know it's all a part of a process. At times, we will feel down, and at time we will be "back on the horse" again.


A lot of our students hide their feelings, emotions, thoughts. This song encourages them to be brave and speak up their mind. Students should know they can say whatever they want as long as they choose the right time, place and speak respectfully.


We live in an age that cherishes perfection. The song challanges this conception, is there such thing as perfect? Let your students hear the song and discuss their interpretation of it. The song has a lot of symbols (dove, bell)) and themes (war, life) you as teachers can choose from.

Social responsibility


Do you think, there is any way that we, as individuals can make this world a better place?

Write a composition stating and explaining your opinion (name 2-3 ways).

my name is luka

Children abuse

Who are you ?



are you?

who is your guiding light

You raised me up


Different addictions

WInd of change- berlin wall

"The "Wind of Change" that was blowing was the fall of the Soviet Union, which is what the song is about, but when the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, the song became the unofficial anthem for the German Reunification, an event that politically lasted from the fall Wall to the official reunification on October 3, 1990 (The Scorpions are a German band)."

Taken from:


Find at least 3 historical events which are mentioned in the story?

Write 2-3 lines about each event.


je vole

set me free/Eden Alene!

Listen to the song, read the words in English, and do the activities with your students.

Created by In English with Debbie

listen to the song and complete the words.

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songs for teaching Grammar

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